Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Chaos, but all good

Haven’t posted anything in a while - it’s been happy chaos around here. I’ve just gotten back from my first DAN! (Defeat Autism Now!) Conference - I went with my D.O. sister who is thinking of adding this to her wonderful list of services she’s providing to her community - and I am pumped. Just got back late last night. Couldn’t have done this without awesome mother-in-law and supportive hubby. You both rock my world in a good way. More on this later. So what have we been doing this past month?

Rob got an awesome job, worthy of his upcoming Ph.D., at a university not far from here. The guy didn’t even do a full job search - just put his name in for his “dream job” and a few months later, he got the phone call. I am so friggin’ proud of him, and try to remember to tell him so as often as possible.

So we’ve had to put our house on the market…and we accepted an offer 7 days later! What a whirlwind. We close, if all goes as planned, in late June, so we need to get going on finding a house.

That means we have to research the special ed and autism resources in our new city. We need to buy a house in the best district for special ed, and in the right elementary school area. This has been a big task, but we are pleased to say that this district has a FULL TIME AUTISM COORDINATOR, and we’ve been in close touch with her. What an incredible resource. We toured one kindergarten, and I cried tears of joy when I saw this classroom - it will be perfect for our little guy. I’m not kidding - I cried. This district is serious about learning about and training how to teach autistic kiddos. I can’t wait.

His IEP is tomorrow, and I’m still trying to learn special ed law before 3:30 tomorrow afternoon. I’ll do what I can.

And in the meantime, still keeping up with diets, supplements, meds, therapies…it’s nutty crazy around here, but all for very happy reasons.


Anonymous said...

Got your link from my Mom. Sounds like wonderful news all around for you guys. I'm still in NYC and enjoying finallly being on the Broadway! Hope to see you in EL one of these days. -C

AS said...

Wowee!! What great news!! I love it when things start coming together!!

Anonymous said...

Alright! and Zoweeeee! Like to hear all that good stuff happening to you guys - you work hard and deserve it. Proud of you here in Portland. Remember to breathe;-) Love - Pam

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on all of this, both of you. And I will be anxious to hear more as you move ever forward with your loving and lovely family :)

Anonymous said...

I am so thrilled for you all about the job, the move, the house selling so quicklky, and the great new resources for the little guy!! Wow, what an exciting time. I'm hoping to see you and catch up more when I am in town next week for graduation fun.