Haven’t posted anything in a while - it’s been happy chaos around here. I’ve just gotten back from my first DAN! (Defeat Autism Now!) Conference - I went with my D.O. sister who is thinking of adding this to her wonderful list of services she’s providing to her community - and I am pumped. Just got back late last night. Couldn’t have done this without awesome mother-in-law and supportive hubby. You both rock my world in a good way. More on this later. So what have we been doing this past month?
Rob got an awesome job, worthy of his upcoming Ph.D., at a university not far from here. The guy didn’t even do a full job search - just put his name in for his “dream job” and a few months later, he got the phone call. I am so friggin’ proud of him, and try to remember to tell him so as often as possible.
So we’ve had to put our house on the market…and we accepted an offer 7 days later! What a whirlwind. We close, if all goes as planned, in late June, so we need to get going on finding a house.
That means we have to research the special ed and autism resources in our new city. We need to buy a house in the best district for special ed, and in the right elementary school area. This has been a big task, but we are pleased to say that this district has a FULL TIME AUTISM COORDINATOR, and we’ve been in close touch with her. What an incredible resource. We toured one kindergarten, and I cried tears of joy when I saw this classroom - it will be perfect for our little guy. I’m not kidding - I cried. This district is serious about learning about and training how to teach autistic kiddos. I can’t wait.
His IEP is tomorrow, and I’m still trying to learn special ed law before 3:30 tomorrow afternoon. I’ll do what I can.
And in the meantime, still keeping up with diets, supplements, meds, therapies…it’s nutty crazy around here, but all for very happy reasons.